Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Lots of holidays.

On 21st June we celebrated the International Yoga Day as well as the International Music Day. Thursday, 22nd June 2023, I had no class in VIII.H. But I got a substitution period in VII.D and I engaged them in a little activity enabling them to understand more about 'sentences'.  The next day there was a strike and therefore no classes. After Saturday and Sunday, the school reopened on Monday. 26th June 2023, Monday was celebrated as International Day against drug abuse in the morning assembly. Tuesday again there was a strike.

Pictures taken from the International Day against drug abuse.

Pictures of International Yoga Day and Music Day.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023


The second phase of our school internship started on 14th June 2023. We were assigned to Mount Tabor GHS, Pathanapuram. There are 5 teacher trainees from English optional in the school- Ashna Ann Varghese, Geethu Chandran, Nithya Mohan, Sivakavya.A.S and Smitha Sathyan. Other optional, part of the internship in the same school are Mathematics and Physical Science. The teacher/guide assigned to me is Mrs. Sreena J.S and the class is VIII H. There are a total of 33 students in my class.

On the first day, I started with the second chapter of the first unit.


Chapter: The Boy Who Drew Cats (prose)- Hasegawa Takejiro

I completed the chapter in 5 classes and started the next chapter today. The new chapter is a poem written by Rabindranath Tagore. 

Chapter 2: Taj Mahal (poem)- Rabindranath Tagore.

I got many substitution classes other than my assigned ones in between. On those periods I could engage the students in many recreational activities, during which I observed their talents and skills.

On 19th June 2023 we celebrated National Reading Day in the assembly. The day marks the death anniversary of P.N.Panicker, who is famously known as the Father of the Library Movement in Kerala Grandhashala Sangham that triggered a popular cultural movement in Kerala that produced universal literacy in the state in the 1990s.

One day on a substitution period I went to 5th standard and walked into two little darlings tidying up their classroom.

Pictures from the International Reading Day Celebration.

Cognitive map 2- Plus two